Amazon S3 and Types of Storage technology.


Storage is the process of storing digital data in a data storage device utilizing computer technology. Storage is a technique that allows a computer to retain data for an indefinite or temporary period of time. Other names for storage include computer data storage and electronic data storage.

Common storage technologies

Examples of storage Technology :

  • Computer data is stored on four different types of media:
  • Magnetic storage
  • Optical storage
  • Solid-state storage
  • Cloud Storage

Magnetic storage devices:

Magnetic storage is one of the most popular types of computer storage. This technology is usually seen on super-sized HDDs or hybrid hard drives.

  • Floppy diskette

  • Hard drive

  • Magnetic strip

  • SuperDisk

Optical storage devices

Optical storage, which reads and writes data using lasers and lights, is a prevalent type of storage.

Write short notes on Optical Storage Device « Online Class Notes

  • Blu-ray disc

  • CD-ROM disc

  • CD-R and CD-RW disc.

Solid-state storage devices

As solid-state storage (flash memory) grows more affordable, it has displaced most magnetic and optical media as the most efficient and dependable solution.

  • USB flash drive

  • Memory card

  • SDHC Card

  • SD card

  • SSD

Online and cloud Storage

People increasingly need to access their data from several devices, thus internet and cloud storage is growing more popular.

  • Google drive

  • AWS S3

  • DropBox

Amazon S3:

Everything You Need to Know About AWS S3

Amazon S3 is an Amazon Web Services service that offers object storage via a web service interface.The same scalable storage technology that supports's global e-commerce network also runs Amazon S3. AWS S3 can store any sort of item, making it ideal for Internet application storage, backup and recovery, disaster recovery, data archives, analytics data lakes, and hybrid cloud storage.AWS launched Amazon S3 in the United States on March 14, 2006.

Hosting websites

Static HTML webpages with index document support and error document support may be hosted on Amazon S3. When a URL containing a CNAME record hostname rather than a direct Amazon S3 bucket reference does not contain a valid S3 object key, such as when a casual user first visits a URL that is a ba, websites hosted on S3 may designate a default page to display and another page to display in the event of a partially invalid URL, such as a 404 error, which provide useful content to visitors of a URL containing a CNAME record hostname.

Amazon S3 Tools:

  • Developers may use Amazon S3's API. 

  • The AWS dashboard has facilities for managing and uploading files, but it doesn't have the capability to manage big buckets or modify files. 

  • Some applications and third-party websites offer the ability to modify files on Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 storage classes:

Rightsizing for Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) – Documentation and Best  Practices

Amazon S3 has four storage classes, each with its own set of durability, availability, and performance criteria.

  • The default class is Amazon S3 Standard. 

  • Amazon S3 Standard Infrequent Access (IA) is intended for data that is accessed infrequently. Backup and disaster recovery solutions are common use cases. 

  • Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access is for data that isn't used very often but has to be accessible quickly when it is. All data is kept in a single zone, which means that if that zone is destroyed, all data is gone. 

Amazon Glacier is intended for the long-term storage of data that is accessed infrequently and may be retrieved in minutes or hours. "Glacier Deep Archive" is a cheaper alternative with a retrieval time of at least 12 hours and a retrieval time of at least 12 hours.


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